Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Gold Rush!

When I was a 4th grader, my teacher played a Gold Rush game with us that left a lasting impression in my mind.  It was a ton of fun!!  When I became a 4th grade teacher, I re-created the game and have played it in my class ever since.  We just started it in my class this year.  The game takes the kids on a journey from New York to San Francisco.  They need to pick ships or covered wagons and play an interactive simulation game where they receive gold (spray painted fish pebbles) to aid them in their journey.  I have the whole simulation game available for download at my TPT Store.  Here are some pictures from my classroom. 
 Here is the game board before we started playing.
 I use colored push pins to map the routes.
We are in process of playing now, so the seas and land are crowded.
Here is a sample of the game cards.
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  1. OH MY GOODNESS!! I also remember playing this game in fourth grade and I've been looking for ways to re-create it! Finding your blog was a godsend! I'll be purchasing as soon as I get home! ~ Carina P. Los Angeles

  2. I am homeschooling my daughter (a third grader). Would this game work with only two people playing?
