My Classroom

Here is my classroom!

 This is the literacy wall.  I post charts and what we're working on that week on this wall.  There is reading, writing, and word study info on this chart.
 This is our science wall, where we usually have charts and posters on what we're doing in science.  We are starting our new science unit tomorrow.  Up there now are student advertisements in response to a Time For Kids article about the coolest inventions of 2012.  I had them try to persuade you to buy one of the inventions.
 This is our social studies wall, currently displaying diseño maps created while studying the Mexican Ranch period of California's history.  The students created their own maps needed to get a land grant during that time.
Our math wall is looking a little bare.  I took most of the posters down before winter break.  We are studying geometry now, so that's what is up there.
This part of the room has our class jobs as well as some of the student portraits done during art class.  Since there are 37 kids, they are displayed wherever there was room.  I have a lot of bookshelves that have newer chapter books.  Whenever I order new books from Scholastic, I put them on these shelves so they are easy to find for the kids.
This is a new wall I started this year.  It's our "bucket filler" wall.  I got the idea from Pinterest, which uses the book Have You Filled a Bucket Today? to teach the kids about giving compliments.  Each Monday one of the students passes out bucket papers and another student passes out our class name sticks.  They have to fill that person's bucket by Friday.  On Friday, at the end of the day, the students each get to end their week with a compliment from one of their classmates.  There are tons of different templates out there that you can use.  Here's the link to the one I use.  I got it from TPT.  The little pockets I bought at Lakeshore.  The kids got to decorate their bucket at the beginning of the year.
My classroom library is organized by genre, levels, and author's last name.  I have labels that are Green, blue, and purple so you can tell the difference.  As with any classroom library, the books always get mixed up!  So frustrating, especially for an organizer like me...I assign the job to a couple kids to reorganize the library at the end of each month.
I use this shelving unit as my supply center.  These supplies are shared among all the students.  Some of my bins need restocking!  Those markers and colored pencils always seem to disappear!

My favorite wall in my room is our "Room 603's Awesome Author's" writing wall.  It took about 5 tries to get everything to fit.  I had to reorganize from last year since I went from 30 to 37 students.  Each student has a pencil with their name on it and a picture from the first day of school.  It's fun to look at how they change and grow over the year!  I compile all of their work during the year in their section by using a t-pin and a binder clip to hold everything up.  It is great because the clips are thick enough to last the whole year.  At Open House, we compile a folder of all their writing.  It's awesome to see the improvements made from September to June!
Our class calendar changes each month and is themed.  The January one is on the boring side!  I will post pics of my February calendar next month, which is way cuter.  On the table is a bin labelled "Completed Work," which is where students turn in their assignments to be graded.

Here is our Promethean Board.  It takes up a whole wall, but it is awesome!!
This is my area.  I have 2 desks because the white one is my technology desk that has my laptop on it and my document camera attached to it.  The desk behind is my real desk with all of my VIP's (Very Important Papers).

There you have it!  Room 603!  Oh, yeah and there are desks and seating for 38!!  

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