Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Gold Rush!

When I was a 4th grader, my teacher played a Gold Rush game with us that left a lasting impression in my mind.  It was a ton of fun!!  When I became a 4th grade teacher, I re-created the game and have played it in my class ever since.  We just started it in my class this year.  The game takes the kids on a journey from New York to San Francisco.  They need to pick ships or covered wagons and play an interactive simulation game where they receive gold (spray painted fish pebbles) to aid them in their journey.  I have the whole simulation game available for download at my TPT Store.  Here are some pictures from my classroom. 
 Here is the game board before we started playing.
 I use colored push pins to map the routes.
We are in process of playing now, so the seas and land are crowded.
Here is a sample of the game cards.
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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Joining Another Great Group

I'm on a roll.  Joining another 4th grade linky party, 4th Grade Frappes.  Can't wait to check out more great blogs!

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Back To School

I'm still unsure where the past 2 weeks went, let along 2012.  It seems like these years have been flying by.  I guess that's what getting older is all about.  I'm excited to go back tomorrow to see all 37 of my 4th graders.  I have such a good group this year!  I think we take it for granted sometimes that we love what we do.  Getting up in the morning is never fun, but not knowing what new adventures each day will bring is exciting.  I'm sure though by the end of this week, I'll be counting down the days until our next break.  It was fun staying up past 9, catching up on shows and movies, and not getting yelled at by my husband for falling asleep while we try to watch t.v.  I already packed my lunch and picked out my outfit (lame I know...) in anticipation of the zombie-like state I will be in tomorrow morning.  Here's to coffee, soda, and Starbucks refreshers!  I'll start adding more to the "my classroom" page and the "organization" pages of my blog once I get back into the class to take some pics.  Just looked at the clock...8:39...almost bed time...It's a school night!
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My First Linky Party!

I've learned so much in the world of blogging over the last 5 days!   I'm super excited to join a linky party with other 3rd-5th grade teachers hosted by Fabulous 4th Grade Froggies .  There are tons of great blogs connected and I can't wait to check them out.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year's Blog

I thought I'd start the new year off by creating a blog.  I never thought of myself as a blogger, but I thought I'd try it out.  There are so many creative people out there with great ideas to share about teaching.  Reading through their blogs has inspired me to start my own.  Hopefully I can share some of my own teaching experiences and ideas and maybe inspire someone else.  Here goes nothing....