Technology Tips

In my classroom we have a Promethean Board and create flipcharts that are interactive for the students.  I've shared some flipcharts on my TPT store to use in your classroom.

Microsoft OneNote: Student notebooks

Each of our students have their own netbook that they use throughout the day.  This year I've gone almost paperless and create student notebooks online using Microsoft OneNote.  It's an amazing program that we are training the kids to use this year.  The third grade teachers, who also have student netbooks, have started using OneNote with their students! OneNote is super easy to use!  If you have Microsoft Office, you will have the program on your computer!  I have a student template that you can download to help get you started. Click here to download the Student Notebook Template .  Once you have the student template, you can modify it to meet the needs of your student.  Think of it as a student binder, where you can add pages for them throughout the year.  Students can add their own pages when taking notes, for example, or you can have them download student pages you create in bulk.  I use my classroom website as a way to post the new pages I create for students to download into their notebooks.


Kidblog is a site where you create a class blog.  Each student has their own blog and can post pictures and videos.  You can create your class blog for free and then kids get their own username and passwords to log on.  Only your class can view the site, so it's private.  I start the year by having students create a "Meet _______" page to tell about themselves.  It's a great getting to know you exercise.  Students can view and comment on their classmates.  Then, I use it for writer's workshop throughout the year.  It's also great for kids who are shy because they can share about themselves without having to talk in front of the class.


Edmodo is a site that has many different purposes.  It is similar to Kidblog in that kids can write and post information, but it is also interactive where they can post assignments that you give them.  You also create a class page and the kids have usernames and passwords.  In addition, you can assign them awards on Edmodo.  This is the first year I've used it and we are using it more for response to literature activities.  I post a question I want them to respond to and they type their answer. 


Prezi is a creative way to present information.  You can add pictures and videos into your presentation.  There are prezi templates to help the kids get started.  I just introduced Prezi to my students by sharing them a pre-made prezi about Pearl Harbor. Click here to check it out. In order to watch it, click on the forward arrow located under the presentation.  You keep clicking through to move from one section to another.  My class is going to be working on one soon.  I'll post some of the finished products.  It's a fresh way to make a presentation as a culminating project after completing a unit.  So cool!

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